Adam, Adam Adama, the Valids, and Trevor all got spit out back on Earth, in the middle of a battle zone.
Weapon's fire everywhere.
Azure and algren soldiers everywhere.
Kevin Klawmaker, in his flying Maserati, had some sort of sonic vibration thing going!
Down everyone went into the muck.
Shawnacy and Trevor had the farthest to fall because they'd been flying. They didn't get hurt, however, because the muck cushioned the impact. Still,
Brock flew up at the Maserati, fighting the pull of the vibrations the entire way.
I am so done with this asshole, he thought.
He concentrated all the Azure energy he had in him, then sent it flying Kevin Klawmaker's way, like
He blew Klawmaker's Maserati out of the sky.
It didn't disintegrate into fragments, Klawmaker was able to land it in the muck, but it was now out of the fight.
Damn it! Brock screamed out with his mind. Please don't make me have to drop into all that gucky muck. Please. Please.
Still, he was out of energy, so...