
​     Niki gave the only other human in the facility besides her a name.

     She called him Chunk.

     She called him that because he looked like a chunk of something, something made of concrete, or something made of stone.

     Once, a reptile went after a huge piece of a hull. It tugged at the item for over a minute but couldn't get it to budge.

     Then, a half dozen much smaller reptiles ran to jump all over the larger one.

     It looked like they planned to beat on it or eat it or some damned thing.

     Niki stayed out of it. Aliens acting like aliens. Fuck 'em.

     Chunk didn't, though.

     He walked over to the piece of hull himself, picked it up, carried it to the furnace, and threw it in.

     Now, the reptiles went after Chunk.

     Even the big one.

     Chunk defended himself. It didn't look like he'd have a problem with any of them, but still...


     The spheres didn't like discord.

     Any second, Niki knew they'd start zapping.

     Niki ran to Chunk's side, then took a defensive stance. Her message there was, you go after him, you go after me, too.

     The reptiles peered at Niki and Chunk, peered at the spheres, then disbanded to return to work.

     The spheres flitted away, as well.

     Without a glance in her direction, Chunk turned to lumber away, as well.

     Niki just about chased after him, went after him to, at least, tap his shoulder and say, "Hey, assturd, I just risked my life for you. You want to show me a little something?"

     But then she thought, no, fuck it. Fuck this guy. He wants nothing to do with me, I want nothing to do with him. I don't need allies. I'll figure a way out of here my own fucking self.