Once again, Skip and Whisper looked into each other's eyes...
and all Skip could come up with was. "I...I...uh..."
"I know!" The whole notion of having a conversation got Whisper excited. "It's like we've either got too much to say or nothing at all!"
"Exactly! I...I...I'd love it if I didn't have to say good-bye to you right now. If only we could..."
"But we can't! Let me think!"
She looked so cute to Skip, head bowed, brows furrowed, thinking. The Clean had dried off her body by that time, leaving her skin looking fresh and alive. She tapped her foot like that would help her thought processes.
"I know! Come here, Skip. Lean your head forward."
He did as she asked.
Whisper pressed her body against his and kissed him full on the lips.