Adam pitched the mini-grenades at Centurian one by one, and, as he did, he ran towards the control panel that Claudia needed her transmitter to connect with. Not all the grenades hit him BAM! BAM! but one caught Centurian right at the hip and BAM! chunks of robot arm flew everywhere. A grenade hit the ground directly in front of him, making him trip slightly, just enough for Adam to be able to better aim and land a grenade on his chest, as close to Centurian's heart as he could. BAM! That one stunned him. He had to take a moment to regain his bearings. He checked to see how intense the damage was, which was not much. He'd lost a couple of arms. That was about it.
Adam still had twenty feet to go before he reached the console.
He figured he'd probably have to tussle with the Silver Centipede again before he could physically get there.
CLUNK! Roar! CLUNK! Roar! The missiles continued to launch, one by one. He still had the transmitter in the palm of his left hand. It wasn't much bigger than a mini-grenade. Maybe he could...