The Azure warship hit the cauldron with a blast that tore it completely apart.
Chunks of the cauldron flew everywhere. The algrim and Azure wore protective armor, so they weren't really hurt.
Estelle was already back on the ground. The blast sent a dozen fallen soldiers flying her way to cover her. She, too came out relatively unharmed.
Brock had just enough energy to ward off the debris that flew his way.
Gramps and Adama, both old pros, went for cover and had no problem avoiding the blast.
It was a blast so powerful it filled the cavern with millions of cauldron bits and sent a plume of dust up through the ceiling and into the amusement park square above. It reminded Shawnacy of a nuclear explosion as dust and cauldron fragments whooshed up from below to whoosh thirty feet in the air.
At which point, the entire exhibit went dead.
All of Domitika, the amusement park, ceased to exist, just like that.
The cowboys, the aliens, the nudie-cuties, they all dissolved into a silver mist, then disappeared. The structures, the buildings themselves, they stayed intact. Everything else...poof!
Leaving behind nearly a half million citizens, crowded together, broke and angry as hell.
Fights broke out everywhere. People struggled and elbowed each each other to get to the exits. Children cried. Women, and more than a few men, screamed. Chaos everywhere.
It was turning out to be the worst Opening Day anywhere ever.
Shawnacy stood over the hole leading to the cavern. She waited for the smoke and debris to stop billowing out. Her friends were down there. She worried about them. She needed to know that they were all okay.