The Azure went after Silveria.​ Every time Silveria tried something, she'd get zapped by a ray of some kind. The starship, especially, emitted a ray that really made her twitch. She didn't like that at all. She shrieked her displeasure. She sank into the depths of the cauldron. When she re-emerged, she was no longer a woman but a monstrous, snarling beast. The starships carpet rayed the surface of the bubbling, boiling cauldron,

which caused Silveria to dissolve...but only for a moment. When the snarling beast that Silveria had become emerged from the cauldron again, she was the size of a one bedroom house and crackling with domitikan energy, energy silver and filled with the arms and claws and faces and fangs or a thousand imagined beasts. This beast hit the starship with such force that it retreated. Then,

     "They're going to destroy it," Estelle said. "The Azure are going to obliterate the cauldron. In exactly one minute."

     She herself, was only halfway to where what was left of Adam Forwarder lay on hard rock.

     "Nacy!" she yelled. "Hurry!"

     Fifty-nine seconds to go. Fifty-eight...