Trevor stammered. "Okay, so...okay, none of what you just said makes any sense whatsoever. Back to the amusement park. What we're seeing on the screen right there, that battle scene, that's all just a dream."
"In a manner of speaking," Brock replied. "Yes."
"We're getting too far ahead for him," Gramps said. He slowly ate his own cheeseburger and fries. It was like he had to examine the entire sandwich before he could commit to taking each bite. "He's thinking of dreams as something insubstantial, as a byproduct of the sleeping process."
"Which they are."
"But with Infini it's different," Gramps went on. "With Infini, it's...okay. Infini's a trillion times a trillion timelines and alternate universes, and there is one universe that is nothing but the stuff of her dreams. It is a universe like no other. The energy from that universe is like energy found nowhere else in Infini."
Trevor said, "Okay, so...let me guess. The name of this dream universe is..."
"Domitika," Noel replied. "The energy they're using to run that amusement park, or whatever you want to call it, is Domitikan energy. It's energy emanating directly from Domitika."
"And," Adam said, "if I intend to regain my full strength in anything less than a century's time, it's where I must go."
"I must enter the Dream of God, and I need you all to help me."