
​     Hoby used a dozen of his arms to grab Estelle and pitch her into the air. Then he twisted so that he faced her when she came back down again. They were going to have it out right then and there, at five hundred feet or whatever.

​     He got vicious with those arms of his. Estelle felt them tear into her flesh with piercing, metallic fingers, and you don't think that didn't hurt? Man! Estelle almost shrieked from the pain, but she didn't. Instead, in her heart and mind and soul and blood, she turned the pain into fury. She grabbed herself some metallic arms and snapped them loose, and when she wasn't doing that she was swinging on Hoby's ugly face.

​     She made Hoby even more furious than he already was.


​     Estelle's legs could just barely keep a grip as she straddled the Silver Centipede's chest, but they were strong legs, so she managed it as she pummeled away at what was, for her, in the end, rather fragile Silver Centipede armor.

​                                                 CONTINUE